"The Way Through the Woods" with Long Litt Woon

Long Litt Woon, author of international bestseller "The Way Through The Woods" visits Prismatic Pages in conversation with Anne Balke Staver - just in time for foraging season!

A grieving widow feeling disconnected from life discovers a most unexpected obsession--hunting for mushrooms--in a story of healing and purpose.

"The Way Through the Woods" tells the story of two parallel journeys: an inner one, through the landscape of mourning, and an outer one, into the fascinating realm of mushrooms--resilient, adaptable, dizzyingly diverse, and essential to nature's cycles of death and rebirth. An anthropologist and certified mushroom expert, Woon brings a fresh eye and boundless curiosity to the natural world and takes readers from primordial Norwegian forests to hidden-in-plain-sight Central Park pathways. She also introduces a lovable and eccentric cast of mushroom obsessives.

The book was Norway's most-translated book the year it came out, and has been translated to 17 different languages.

Woon and Anne will talk for around 45 minutes about the book, followed by a 15 minute Q&A, and finally mingling and signing of books.

When: 5 September, 18.00-19.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

This event is free, but register to reserve your spot using the form below - space is limited!

Praise for "The Way Through The Woods"

Moving and unexpectedly funny — New York Times

Among the 10 books “you should read right now” — Oprah Magazine

A wonder-inducing dive into the unique kingdom of fungi — Kirkus