Upcoming events

Silent Reading Evening at Prismatic Pages with Angle Book Club

Prismatic Pages and Angle Book Club are excited to host another silent reading evening! Have you been wanting to read more but don't find the time? Join us for a cozy evening of reading with others, while surrounded by books.

When: 4 December, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

How does it work?

1. You arrive with your book of choice (or buy one at Prismatic Pages if you don't have anything currently)

2. Mingle for the first fifteen minutes and then settle in to your favorite spot

3. Read silently for 30 minutes

4. Break for fifteen minutes, stretch your legs and chat with fellow readers

5. Read silently for another 30 minutes

6. Have a great rest of the evening knowing you dove into a book!

Angle Book Club reads and promotes overlooked literature. It is a space for people to gather and read these lesser-known texts, to share experiences, and discuss, and are hosting this event. You do not have to be a member of Angle Book Club to join this reading evening however!

Instagram: @anglebookclub

Facebook: facebook.com/anglebookclub

March book swap

Welcome to another book swap at Prismatic Pages. Do you have some books that you won't be reading again and need a new home? Bring them to Prismatic Pages and swap them with other attendees for something new.

Books in all languages are welcome!

You receive a voucher for each book you bring -- the more you bring the more you can take. The vouchers you receive are only valid for the current swap and you cannot save unused vouchers for future book swap events.

When: 25 March, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Book mark workshop

Welcome to a relaxed book mark making workshop at Prismatic Pages!

Who doesn't need another bookmark? They're always going missing after all. In this workshop you'll design and make your own book mark, and get it professionally laminated on the spot. The sky is the limit with your creativity, whether you want to be super blinged out, add a tassel, or keep it minimalist chic. Make a few and keep them for your stacks of books or give to friends!

When: 6 April, 16.00-17.00

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

The workshop will cost 250 NOK, which covers the cost of materials and instruction. Tickets cannot be refunded but you may resell or give away your ticket if the original purchaser cannot attend.

The workshop will be led by Marta Crosta:

I'm an artist and art therapist, I completed my education in Italy and brought my creativity to Norway in the middle of the pandemic. I write poetry and produce mostly collage and mixed media art. I work at Barnekunstmuseet here in Oslo, where I organise workshops and courses. I spend most of my free time reading, that's why Prismatic Pages is the perfect place for this course!

The Learning (book) Club

The Learning (book) Club

A book club where the only requirement is that the book makes you learn something.

When: 9 April, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Our book for April is "The Collected Schizophrenias" by Esmé Weijun Wang

Speed friending

Have you always wanted to have your perfect meet cute in a bookstore? Make your dreams come true with speed friending at Prismatic Pages!

When: 23 April, 17.15-19.15

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

At this speed friending event you'll have the chance to meet up to 12 friend dates. When you arrive you'll choose a book as a conversation starter (no purchase necessary). You'll chat for a few minutes each over the next 90 minutes. After there will be some time to hang out and mingle. You mark your friend card with who you'd be interested in getting in touch with after, and the Prismatic staff will put mutual matches in contact.

This event is for making friends. If you're interested in queer speed dating/friending click here, and if you're interested in straight speed dating click here.

The event ticket is 150 NOK, which includes non-alcoholic refreshments. All attendees will also receive 15% off their purchases on the day.

April book swap

Welcome to another book swap at Prismatic Pages. Do you have some books that you won't be reading again and need a new home? Bring them to Prismatic Pages and swap them with other attendees for something new.

Books in all languages are welcome!

You receive a voucher for each book you bring -- the more you bring the more you can take. The vouchers you receive are only valid for the current swap and you cannot save unused vouchers for future book swap events.

When: 29 April, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Speed dating (men and women)

Have you always wanted to have your perfect meet cute in a bookstore? Make your dreams come true with speed dating at Prismatic Pages!

When: 7 May, 17.15-19.15

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

At this event you'll have the chance to meet up to 12 dates. When you arrive you'll choose a book as a conversation starter (no purchase necessary), and then chat for a few minutes each over the next 90 minutes. After there will be some time to hang out and mingle. You mark your date card with who you'd be interested in getting in touch with after, and the Prismatic staff will put mutual matches in contact.

When you buy your ticket please make sure to buy a ticket corresponding to your gender so we get an even split at the event.

This event is straight speed dating - other sexual orientations are of course welcome, but be aware the pairings will be men/women. If you're looking for queer speed dating click here!

The event ticket is 150 NOK, which includes non-alcoholic refreshments. All attendees will also receive 15% off their purchases on the day.

From Text to Texture - An art journaling workshop

When: 25 May, 16.00-18.00

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Welcome to a unique workshop that combines your love of books and the peaceful practice of collage.

You will be provided with a lovely art journal and plenty of collage material. The art journal and all collage materials are included in the ticket price of 500 NOK.

Bring along your favorite books or passages from those books and be ready to use these words in your collaged art journal. The idea is to stop and reflect on your favorite parts of the books you love.

Your workshop hosts are artist Sarah Hannevik and Prismatic Pages.

Future Library book club: Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange

Future Library is a 100-year public artwork located in Oslo. Each year from 2014 to 2114 an author writes a manuscript that is handed over annually and kept secret until the final 100th year.

This year's author is Tommy Orange. Although Tommy's Handover Ceremony has been postponed, there will be events on June 2, 2025, and to mark the occasion we will read his newest book Wandering Stars for a special Prismatic Pages book club.

We will discuss the book and there will also be a short presentation and Q and A with Anne Beate Hovind, Chair of Future Library Trust.

When: May 27, 17.15-19.00

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

May book swap

Welcome to another book swap at Prismatic Pages. Do you have some books that you won't be reading again and need a new home? Bring them to Prismatic Pages and swap them with other attendees for something new.

Books in all languages are welcome!

You receive a voucher for each book you bring -- the more you bring the more you can take. The vouchers you receive are only valid for the current swap and you cannot save unused vouchers for future book swap events.

When: 28 May, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Queer zine workshop

First things first, what's a Zine?

Fanzine: fan + magazine, independent publication created by enthusiasts of particular forms of art and culture. Often shortened to "zine". Zines are a great way to experiment with art and express yourself with no previous skills needed!

Zines also specifically have a long and rich history in the queer community. In this course you will get a short intro to the concept of zines and why they are important for queer folks, after which we will guide you through making your first zine in a sea of magazine pages, glue, paper and scissors. The course will last two hours, we don't want to rush creativity.

When: 4 June, 17.15-19.15

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

The workshop will cost 300 NOK, which covers the cost of materials and instruction. Tickets cannot be refunded but you may resell or give away your ticket if the original purchaser cannot attend.

The workshop will be led by Marta Crosta:

I'm an artist and art therapist, I completed my education in Italy and brought my creativity to Norway in the middle of the pandemic. I write poetry and produce mostly collage and mixed media art. I work at Barnekunstmuseet here in Oslo, where I organise workshops and courses. I spend most of my free time reading, that's why Prismatic Pages is the perfect place for this course!

The Learning (book) Club

The Learning (book) Club

A book club where the only requirement is that the book makes you learn something.

When: 11 June, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

Our book for June is "The Lonely City" by Olivia Laing

Pride at Prismatic Pages: Queer speed dating and friending

Have you always wanted to have your perfect meet cute in a bookstore? Make your dreams come true with speed dating at Prismatic Pages!

When: 13 June, 18.15-20.15

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b

At this queer speed dating/friending event you'll have the chance to meet up to 12 dates, romantic or platonic. When you arrive you'll choose a book as a conversation starter (no purchase necessary), and receive a wristband indicating whether you're here for dating or friends, or both. You'll chat for a few minutes each over the next 90 minutes. After there will be some time to hang out and mingle. You mark your date/friend card with who you'd be interested in getting in touch with after, and the Prismatic staff will put mutual matches in contact.

This event is queer speed dating/friending. If you're looking for straight speed dating click here!

The event ticket is 150 NOK, which includes non-alcoholic refreshments. All attendees will also receive 15% off their purchases on the day.

June book swap

Welcome to another book swap at Prismatic Pages. Do you have some books that you won't be reading again and need a new home? Bring them to Prismatic Pages and swap them with other attendees for something new.

Books in all languages are welcome!

You receive a voucher for each book you bring -- the more you bring the more you can take. The vouchers you receive are only valid for the current swap and you cannot save unused vouchers for future book swap events.

This will be our last book swap before summer break :)

When: 24 June, 17.00-18.30

Where: Prismatic Pages, Rathkes gate 7b